
1.  What is meant by White Balancing a camera?
White balance is the process of removing unrealistic color casts, so that objects which appear white in person are rendered white in your photo.
2. What is considered the "golden hour"?
The golden hour is a period shortly after sunrise or before sunset during which daylight is redder and softer than when the Sun is higher in the sky. 
3.  What is the color temperature of daylight, and what is its general hue?
Daylight has a correlated color temperature of 6500 K or 5500 K and has a white hue.
4.  What is the color temperature of an interior fluorescent light, and what is its general hue?
Fluorescent light has a color temperature between 3,400 degrees Kelvin and 4,800 degrees Kelvin, depending on the type of bulbs in the fixtures. Its general hue is a grayish blue color.
5.  Embed an image of incorrect white balance. 
